Hands-on math and science tutor, Educational Consultant, Public Speaker, and Volunteer
Jun 22, 2011
HRC Open House and Used Curriculum Flea Market
Jun 20, 2011
High School Conceptual Physics class in Cary
To register, contact LoriAnneStanger@comcast.net For questions on the class, contact me, Kathy, kwentz899261@gmail.com
Conceptual Physics is both a terrific first high school science class or one later in the sequence. This class will be based on Conceptual Physics: The High School Physics Program by Paul Hewitt (the 2002 edition is still pretty current and much more affordable!). This class will cover the topics covered in the text using discussion, problem sets and experimentation. Homework will be assigned, including lab reports. Care will be taken throughout the course to discuss related current events and new scientific theories and discoveries.
Please note the following:
We will not take up our limited class time administering and correcting quizzes and tests. I will provide them and I encourage families to administer them at home using an 'open book' format.
Experiments listed in the book will occasionally differ from those offered through thisclass as the equipment I have may differ.
Prerequisites: Students should be taking or have passed Algebra I, be able to read and understand a high school level text, be willing to commit to several hours of homework each week, and be able to work cooperatively and safely in a lab situation with other students.
Students are required to have a good scientific or graphing calculator. I recommend one that they can also use on the ACT and/or SAT ? the guidelines for which can be found on collegeboard.org
Cost for 30 weeks of 1 1/2 hr. classes is $300.
Jun 7, 2011
Free NAS Books to Download!
The National Academies—National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and National Research Council—are committed to distributing their reports to as wide an audience as possible. Since 1994 we have offered "Read for Free" options for almost all our titles. In addition, we have been offering free downloads of most of our titles to everyone and of all titles to readers in the developing world. We are now going one step further. Effective June 2nd, PDFs of reports that are currently for sale on the National Academies Press (NAP) Website and PDFs associated with future reports* will be offered free of charge to all Web visitors.