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Let's start the school year off right! Geometry Math Club will provide your students with a review of (or real life introduction to) addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as they explore the patterns of our natural world.
Each class begins with a math literature story that helps introduce and support the variety of games and activities in the rest of the class. Students are encouraged to select from each day's activities those that match their ability level. Parents are encouraged to participate, as well as take copies of the activities home so that they can be enjoyed again and again.
Class Sessions: Tuesdays 1:00 - 2:30 from Sept. 22 through Oct. 13 at the Johnsburg Public Library.
The cost for this 6 hour program is $25 per student.
Please register at the Johnsburg Public Library beginning July 18th. Make checks payable to Kathy Wentz.
The Cure for the Math Curse: Intro to Algebra
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This series of eight - 90 minute classes will introduce you to a visual and hands-on teaching system for learning complex algebraic concepts including the distributive property and negative variables.
Students need a foundation in multiplication and division but do not need to have memorized all their math facts. No previous algebraic experience is needed for success!
Class sessions: Tuesdays 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. Classes will meet every Tuesday from Sept. 22nd through Nov. 17 at the Johnsburg Public Library. (There will be no class on Nov. 3rd).
The cost for this 12 hour program is $50 per student.
Please register at the Johnsburg Public Library beginning July 18th. Make checks payable to Kathy Wentz.
Parents are encouraged to attend classes for free.
The Johnsburg Public Library is located at: 3000 N Johnsburg Rd., Johnsburg, IL 60051 <815-344-0077